AIS interface unit NQA-2155
Available for order
Quality improvements of satellite positions
The position given by a satellite receiver can be improved with a technique that uses receivers whose positions are known in order to calculate the extent of the current error in the satellite navigation system
Technical support
Technical support
You can call a specialist to check the equipment by sending a request to service@cirspb.ru. For questions, contact the service department by phone in St. Petersburg (+7 812) 4-673-673, in Petrozavodsk: (+7 8142) 57-80-30 and (+7 8142) 57-00-03.
Annual checks
Annual checks
You can call a specialist to check the equipment by sending a request to service@cirspb.ru. For questions, contact the service department by phone in St. Petersburg (+7 812) 4-673-673, in Petrozavodsk: (+7 8142) 57-80-30 and (+7 8142) 57-00-03.