
1. Maintenance, service and repair of the ship's electrics:
- Automatic remote control systems of main engines
- Automation of ship power plants
- Repair and adjustment systems GEMs
- Repair, adjustment and testing automation and emergency warning system of the main engines (Wartsila, MAN, MAK, SKL)
- Repair, adjustment and testing automation and emergency alarm auxiliary and emergency diesel generators (Volvo Penta, Scania, Deutz, CAT)

2. Maintenance, service and repair of electrical ship systems:
- Repair, adjustment of steering devices and automation autopilots
- Repair, adjustment, comprehensive inspection of fire alarm systems
- Automatic boiler equipment
- Automatic systems toplivopodgotovki
- Automatic water treatment systems
- Automatic waste water treatment systems

3. Maintenance, service and repair of deck machinery

4. The development and approval of design documentation for modernization and re-equipment of ship automation systems.

5. Major, medium and current repairs of electric motors and generators of any capacity. Repair and adjustment of the excitation system of generators, setting up a parallel operation of generators.