Automatic ATA for 50 targets (MRE-340), with connector
Available for order
Automatic ATA for 50 targets (MRE-340), with connector
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Forecasts of maritime satellite communications
VSAT systems have recently started to provide high speed stability to return to the global network, and mobility systems has led to their popularity among the shipowners.
Technical support
Technical support
You can call a specialist to check the equipment by sending a request to service@cirspb.ru. For questions, contact the service department by phone in St. Petersburg (+7 812) 4-673-673, in Petrozavodsk: (+7 8142) 57-80-30 and (+7 8142) 57-00-03.
Annual checks
Annual checks
You can call a specialist to check the equipment by sending a request to service@cirspb.ru. For questions, contact the service department by phone in St. Petersburg (+7 812) 4-673-673, in Petrozavodsk: (+7 8142) 57-80-30 and (+7 8142) 57-00-03.