Our production



All sea and river vessels must comply with the requirements of the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). To do this, they must have the following radio equipment installed:

  • VHF or MF/HF radio station;
  • radar transponder (SRT);
  • emergency beacon;
  • NAVTEX receivers;
  • DSC receiver
  • To improve the performance of the ship's main radio and navigation instruments, peripheral devices are installed. Engineers face many challenges when installing equipment. To solve them, we launched our own production of auxiliary devices.

    We interviewed shipowners, installers, technical managers and created unique instruments for sea and river vessels. We didn't stop there and started producing standard peripheral devices. High-quality and safe materials are used to manufacture products. All products comply with international quality standards.

    Our catalog presents peripheral devices for ship radio and navigation equipment. The following products are always in stock:

    • Signal multiplier amplifiers. Designed for multiplying signals from one or two sources. Multiplier amplifiers operate in two modes.
    • Power supplies. Provide power to ship radio and navigation equipment. The power supplies are made in a metal case and equipped with a switch with a light indicator.
    • Repeaters. Designed to display information that comes from ship navigation system sensors in NMEA format. Repeaters connect to GPS, gyrocompass, echo sounder, weather sensor, log.
    • Converters. Converts data transmitted over a serial port into various formats. Converters are also used to amplify or multiply a signal, change the frequency.
    • Amplifiers (adders). Designed to receive, combine and output data through input and output ports. The adders are designed to work with the NMEA format.
    • Antennas. Used to receive information from ship's fax receivers and NAVTEX receivers, operating in the VHF maritime band. The antenna housing is made of polyamide. This material is resistant to fire, moisture, and acid influences.
    • Notification blocks. They trigger an audible and visual alarm when the main power is turned off and the ship's power is switched on. The notification units emit short signals and flash the built-in LED.

    Peripherals improve the performance of ship's radio and navigation equipment and make it easier to install. You can buy multipliers, amplifiers, adders, converters, warning units, antennas, repeaters at Communications and Radio Navigation. We deliver orders to all regions of the Russian Federation.

    Universal repeater UR
    Universal repeater UR
    Antenna KVA-1
    Antenna KVA-1

    Repiter LED
    Repiter LED

    Alarm block
    Alarm block
    Amplifier NMEA 0183 CIR CDA 28
    Amplifier NMEA 0183 CIR CDA 28
    Amplifier / combiner NMEA 0183 CiR CAS-82
    Amplifier / combiner NMEA 0183 CiR CAS-82
    Signal Multiplier NMEA 0183 CIR MP-01A
    Signal Multiplier NMEA 0183 CIR MP-01A