
Signaling facilities

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Signaling means are intended for visual and audible signaling in various emergency situations and for attracting attention. Visual signaling means are:
• Subject (signal flags, figures, flag semaphore);
• Light (signal lights and lights, spotlights);
• Pyrotechnic (signal rockets, cartridges, torches).
Audible alarms: sirens, megaphones, whistles, etc., wire and radio communication can also be used.

Signals are effective in all weather conditions and at any time of the day, stored in waterproof metal cabinets or boxes fixed on the deck of the navigation bridge or in cabinets built into the bulkheads of the navigation bridge.
Shelf life is not less than 3 years.

All signaling facilities meet the requirements of SOLAS-74 and RMRS and must be on each ship in the amount of:
• parachute ship missiles -12 pcs .;
• rocket sound - 12 pieces;
• red fenders - 12 pcs.

Also, the Marine Register recommends having:
• a one-time green rocket-12 pcs .;
• one-star red rocket - 12 pieces;
• White falshfeer - 12 pcs.
BSD-02М - Buoy light-forging
BSD-02М - Buoy light-forging
  • RMRS

Signal rockets
Signal rockets
  • RMRS

Floating smoke bomb "COMET"
Floating smoke bomb "COMET"
The parachute disaster rocket "COMET"
The parachute disaster rocket "COMET"
BSD-97 - Buying light-forging
BSD-97 - Buying light-forging
  • RMRS

Self-igniting buoy for lifebuoy "IRBIS-LSB"
Self-igniting buoy for lifebuoy "IRBIS-LSB"
  • RMRS
  • RRR

Buoy light-emitting "COMET" with bracket
Buoy light-emitting "COMET" with bracket
SHDP-01 - Smoke Float Draft
SHDP-01 - Smoke Float Draft
  • RMRS

Electric SOSS
Electric SOSS
  • RMRS

Cyclone-3 (Fire of search of a life jacket)
Cyclone-3 (Fire of search of a life jacket)
Daniamant M3 / W3 fire searching for life jackets
Daniamant M3 / W3 fire searching for life jackets
  • RMRS

Red / white fender flare
Red / white fender flare
  • RMRS
  • RRR

Daniamant RL5 fire searching for life raft
Daniamant RL5 fire searching for life raft
Daytime alarm lamp NHS200
Daytime alarm lamp NHS200

Daniamant L160 / L161
Daniamant L160 / L161
The fire of the liferaft Daniamant RL6
The fire of the liferaft Daniamant RL6
Fire of the liferaft EOSS-98P-1
Fire of the liferaft EOSS-98P-1
  • RMRS

The search for a life jacket "Planet"
The search for a life jacket "Planet"
  • RMRS

Sound Rocket of Disaster ZRB-40
Sound Rocket of Disaster ZRB-40
  • RMRS

BSSK-12 Self-igniting buoy
BSSK-12 Self-igniting buoy
  • RMRS

BSSK-Ciclon - self-igniting buoy
BSSK-Ciclon - self-igniting buoy
  • RMRS

Red fire flare "COMET"
Red fire flare "COMET"
Fire self-igniting OC-01
Fire self-igniting OC-01
  • RMRS

Daniamant W4-A / M4-A- search for life jackets
Daniamant W4-A / M4-A- search for life jackets
  • RMRS

Elektroogni "ARO1-3" and "ARO1-4"
Elektroogni "ARO1-3" and "ARO1-4"

Buoy glowing rescue circle BL-2H ALCARES
Buoy glowing rescue circle BL-2H ALCARES