
Updates in the rules of RMRS

01 May, 2020

03/18/2020, the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping issued a circular letter No. 315-22-1359ts with amendments to the Rules for the equipment of marine vessels, 2020, ND No. 2-020101-127 

Below we provide a detailed description of the changes.

 No pp  Updated version of the rule on 07/01/2020     Version 01/01/2020 (earlier)
     Table 2.2.1       Column 3 "<150" is introduced footnote 1.
     In column 5 «≥ 300" excluded footnote 1.
     In paragraph 11, item 2 "Apparatus Universal Automatic Identification System (AIS)" is excluded footnote 1.
      footnote 1 is replaced by as follows: “1 The composition of the navigation equipment of passenger ships of less than 500 gross tonnage should be determined in column 3 (≥ 300) of the table, and the requirements of paragraphs 15 and 20 of the table should be taken into account.”.
     Footnote text 1.
“Including passenger ships, regardless of size.”.
 Paragraph 2.3.4        All navigation instruments and devices (with the exception of the heading or trajectory control system) , designed to be powered by electric energy, must be powered by individual feeders from one common shield of navigation equipment.
      The ship heading control system and the ship's trajectory control system must be powered in accordance with 5.5.14 of Part XI “Electrical Equipment” of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Marine Ships. ”
     All navigation instruments and devices (with the exception of the gyroscopic compass and the heading or trajectory control system) , designed to be powered by electric energy, must be powered by separate feeders from one common shield of navigation equipment.             The gyro compass must be powered in accordance with .
      The ship heading control system and the ship's trajectory control system must be powered in accordance with 5.5.14 of Part XI “Electrical Equipment” of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Marine Ships. ”
     Paragraphs and are deleted. The numbering of paragraphs - is changed to -, respectively.         Excluded: The gyrocompass must receive power from the main switchboard and the emergency switchboard through two independent feeders. Automatic switching of the gyrocompass power supply from the main switchboard to the switchboard of the emergency power station (in the presence of an emergency diesel generator) should be provided in case of a power failure (see also part XI “Electrical equipment” of the Rules for the Classification and Construction of Ships) .
 Part V, new paragraph        The renumbered paragraph (existing is replaced by the following text:
“ The requirements of do not apply to ships of less than 300 gross tonnage. The implementation of requirements - is recommended. ”.
Ships of less than 300 gross tonnage are not subject to the requirements of It is recommended that the requirements of _, be met . ".
     Paragraph      The clinkers of the primary converters should be placed in a special shaft that meets the requirements of 3.6. On fishing vessels, primary transducers may be installed in a box keel . ” The clinkers of the primary converters should be placed in a special shaft that meets the requirements of 3.6.
 Paragraph      It is allowed to install echo sounder vibrators in cofferdams of cargo and fuel tanks, in the double bottom compartments and ventilated tunnels located under the cargo compartments of oil loading vessels, provided they are placed in a special gas-tight partition, which is a hull structure (see also 3.8.3 of this part of the Rules and 2.2 .2.9 of part XI “Electrical equipment” of the Rules for the classification and construction of marine vessels).
     Installation of supply cables should be made in gas-tight steel pipes. On fishing vessels, the installation of vibrators of echo sounders in a box keel is allowed. "The vibrators installed in these rooms must be of such a design that does not require maintenance."
      It is allowed to install echo sounder vibrators in cofferdams of cargo and fuel tanks, in the double bottom compartments and ventilated tunnels located under the cargo compartments of oil loading vessels, provided they are placed in a special gas-tight partition, which is a hull structure (see also 3.8.3 of this part of the Rules and 2.2 .2.9 of part XI “Electrical equipment” of the Rules for the classification and construction of marine vessels).
      Installation of supply cables should be made in gas-tight steel pipes. Vibrators installed in these rooms must be of such a design that does not require maintenance.
 Paragraph 5.2.12         A magnetic compass with remote electric transmission of the course must meet the requirements of 5.2.1 - 5.2.10 and, in addition, ensure the transfer of information about the true course to other navigation equipment and to repeaters (see also 5.10). ”      A magnetic compass with remote electrical transmission of the readings of the card must meet the requirements of 5.2.1 _ 5.2.10 and, in addition, ensure the transfer of information about the true course to other navigation equipment and to repeaters (see also 5.10).
 Paragraph 5.2.13 “A magnetic compass with remote electric course transmission may consist of:”.  A magnetic compass with remote transmission of the compass heading may consist of:
 Paragraph       a magnetic compass that does not require a sensitive element of electrical power for operation and is equipped with a device for remote electric transmission of the course.
      If the remote electric transmission of the course complies with the requirements of 5.10, such a compass can be used as the main magnetic compass; ”.
      a magnetic compass that does not require a sensitive element of electrical power for operation and is equipped with a device for remote transmission of the compass heading, as amended (true heading), to other navigation equipment.
     If there is an optical remote transmission of the readings of the card to the main steering station, such a compass can be used as the main magnetic compass;
 Paragraph 5.2.14      The first paragraph is replaced by the following text:
“5.2.14 The magnetic compass must be equipped with devices to compensate for deviations within the following limits:”,
       and the last paragraph is replaced by the following text:
“A magnetic compass with remote electric course transmission must have at least one output channel for transmission course to other navigation equipment in accordance with IEC 61162. "
5.2.14 Magnetic compass with a compass heading remote transmission must be provided with devices to compensate for the deviation between the following limits:
Magnetic compass with remote transmission compass heading must have at least one output channel for transmission rate to another navigation equipment according to standards IEC 61162.
 Paragraph  The reference to is replaced by the reference to

in the set of the magnetic compass with remote electrical transmission of the readings of the card, a light alarm should be provided with the inscription “Repeaters are on from the magnetic compass” (see Lines 0_180 about the main gyrocompass device and direction finding repeaters shall be located in the diametrical plane or parallel to it with the accuracy specified in ..
     in the set of the magnetic compass with remote electrical transmission of the readings of the card, a light alarm should be provided with the inscription “Repeaters are on from the magnetic compass”  (see For ships of less than 300 gross tonnage, the requirements of do not apply. It is recommended that the requirements of _ be met.

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