
On equipping ships with the SSBWR

19 February, 2018

On equipping ships with the SSBWRRRR, represented by the Northern Branch (NB RRR), announces the compliance with the requirements of Part VIII of Part VIII, paragraph 1.3.12 of the PCPS for ships of the M-SP, M-PR and O-PR classes, namely "... Cargo ships gross tonnage of 150 and more, and passenger vessels, regardless of size, built before July 1, 2002, should be equipped with the System of Signaling for Bearing Watch Running in the following terms :
          • not later than the first survey after January 1, 2018 ".
In this part of the Regulation "Cargo ship - means a vessel that is not a passenger" (clause g of part 2 of part A of chapter I of the Annex to the Convention of SOLAS-74/88).
If the above requirement is not met, the PPP documents will not be issued, the action previously issued is not confirmed.
This information is included in the "Requirements of the Northern Branch of the Russian River Register for the winter repair of 2017-2018."


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