- Headsets
- Hydrostat
- Spare parts for Command Intercom System
- Spare kit for gyrocompass
- Parts and accessories for Typhon
- Magnetrons
- Converters and distributors
- Batteryless telephone system
- Fire safety systems
- Ship displays and PC
- Ship Typhon
- Battery
- Power Supply
- Additional units
- Video
- Limiters
- Antennas
- Blocks for testing
- Connecting cables
- Echosounder sensors
Our production
Certificate updates
13 July, 2017
On the RMRS website, updated certificates for the following equipment are published:- INMARSAT-S ship earth station with an RGV receiver / ship security alert system / equipment for the identification and tracking of vessels in the far distance, type SAILOR 6110 GM
- Ship security alert system / equipment for ship identification and long-distance tracking, type SAILOR 6120 SSA
- INMARSAT ship earth station / vessel identification and long-range tracking equipment, type SAILOR 6130 LRIT SYSTEM
- INMARSAT ship earth station, type SAILOR 6140 MARITIME SYSTEM
- INMARSAT ship earth station, type SAILOR 6150 NON-SOLAS SYSTEM
- VHF two-way radiotelephone equipment, type SAILOR SP3540 ATEX VHF GMDSS
- Wearable radio telephone station, type SAILOR SP3560
- Wearable radio telephone station, type SAILOR 3965 UHF FIRE / TT-3965A
- Radar Responder (ship and rescue equipment), type SAR-9
- PV radio installation type "SAILOR 6310 MF / HF 150W SYSTEM" (DSC)
- MF / HF radio installation type "SAILOR 6310 MF / HF 150W SYSTEM" (DSC / NBDP)
- PV radio installation type "SAILOR 6320 MF / HF 250W SYSTEM" (DSC)
- MF / HF radio installation type "SAILOR 6320 MF / HF 250W SYSTEM" (DSC / NBDP)
- PV radio installation type "SAILOR 6350 MF / HF 500W SYSTEM" (DSC)
- MF / HF radio installation type "SAILOR 6350 MF / HF 500W SYSTEM" (DSC / NBDP)
- Compass magnetic, types: T-150IIF, T-130VD, T-130VF, T-130VB
- Compass Magnetic, Types: MR-165C, MR-150
- magnetic compass, type SR-165
- Shipborne radar, type MDC-7000P series (MDC-7012P, MDC-7025P)
- Shipborne radar, type MDC-7000P series / MDC-7900P series (MDC-7012P, MDC-7025P, MDC-7912P, MDC-7925P)
- Shipborne radar, type MDC-2000 Series (MDC-2040, MDC-2041, MDC-2060, MDC-2010)
- GPS navigation satellite receiver / remote heading transmission device (based on GPS GNSS), type KGC-222