

21 May, 2020

IMO system for collecting data on fuel consumption on ships - the first SoC Conformity Assessment should be on board no later than May 31, 2020

IMO DCS - IMO fuel consumption data collection system (data collection began on January 1, 2019). 

MARPOL regulation 22A of Annex VI of the MARPOL Convention requires vessels to collect and report data on their fuel consumption starting January 1, 2019. For ships for which this rule applies, it is important that the current Statement of Compliance (SoC) is easily accessible on board for verification along with the Confirmation of Compliance (CoC) for SEEMP Part II. 

The CoC (Part II of SEEMP) and the validity of the SoC (DCS) will be checked at each periodic mandatory check, regardless of whether the DCS verifier that issued the SoC is a flag administration, a class (RO), or any other verifier approved by the administration flag. Since this is a new requirement, it is expected that Port Status Monitoring (PSC) will focus on DCS SoC during any subsequent scheduled inspections.

Which ships are subject to IMO DCS?
All ships with a carrying capacity of 5000 GT and above, making international voyages, regardless of flag or country of ownership. Vessels engaged on domestic flights, vessels not equipped with mechanical means and platforms, including FPSO, FSU and drilling rigs, are excluded.

The Declaration of Conformity (SOC) is issued by the Flag Administration or any duly authorized organization on its behalf.

For ships where DNV GL is a DCS verifier and authorized by the flag administration to issue SoC, SoC will be available in the My Services section of the Veracity platform after its release. The validity period of the SoC is valid until May 31 of the following year or after its replacement with a new SoC.

In addition to the annual release covering the emissions for the previous year, SoC is also required in case of a flag and / or company change. 

If for any reason there are any unresolved issues regarding the presentation of data, or there is reason to believe that the SoC will not be released before the deadline, it is recommended that ship owners / managers contact their DCS verifier to avoid a non-compliance on June 1.


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