- Headsets
- Hydrostat
- Spare parts for Command Intercom System
- Spare kit for gyrocompass
- Parts and accessories for Typhon
- Magnetrons
- Converters and distributors
- Batteryless telephone system
- Fire safety systems
- Ship displays and PC
- Ship Typhon
- Battery
- Power Supply
- Additional units
- Video
- Limiters
- Antennas
- Blocks for testing
- Connecting cables
- Echosounder sensors
Our production
Lowrance HST-WSU 83\200
The low - frequency sonar echo sounder sensor HST-WSU operates at 83 and 200 KHz with viewing angles of 60 ° and 120°, and allows you to work with them both individually and jointly.
The transducer also has a built-in temperature sensor. Included with the sensor is mounting designed for installation on the transom, by means of screws.
HST-WSU is compatible with Lowrance echo sounders: Cuda, FishEasy, FishMark, FishElite, FishStrike, LCF, LST, SeaFinder, x4, Elite (not DSI), Mark (not DSI), and others.Available for order
Cassens & Plath REFLECTA Professional magnetic compasses Reflecta are used on various types of vessels, floating on seven seas.