JRC JMA-5332-12BB
JRC JMA-5332-12 is a radar station from the JMA-5300MKII series from JRC.
The radar station has advanced technology with a wide range of capabilities, which provides an even faster display of radar data on the screen.
The radars are equipped with three high-speed Tornado™ processors, whose combined performance is equal to that of 12 conventional processors. The JRC JMA-5300MKII series has an integrated wide dynamic range receiver that greatly improves target and noise separation.
Operating frequency (wavelength): 3050MHz ± 10MHz (10cm / S-band)
Antenna rotation speed: 24 rpm
Radiated power: 25 kW
Effective screen diameter: 250 mm.
Indicator type: color liquid crystal display.
Software version: 02.01 (NDC-1460); 01.00 (MTR).
Supply voltage:
direct current / DC - 24 V (+30%, -10%);
alternating current / AC - 100-115 or 220-240 V, 50/60 Hz ± 5% (JMA-5332-12).
alternating current / AC - 100-115 or 220-240 V, 50/60 Hz ± 5%, with NBA-5111 / with AC/DC Converter Unit NBA-5111.
Operating temperature range:
-15 - +55°C - for units installed in the interior of the vessel / for protected units.
-25 - +70°С - for units installed on the open deck / for exposed units.
Starting devices
A starting device connects a piece of equipment, like a motor, to its main power supply. A starting device is the general term for a piece of equipment with one or more contactors that allows the connection of a consumer to its main power supply