JRC JMA-2300

JRC JMA-2300

Uses the latest digital signal processing for superior target detection and identification in combination with a compact design and comes with a new specially designed scanners.
Equipment is a marine radar, consisting of antenna assembly and the unit monochrome CRT monitor. 
Simple operation using the programs and multi-selector. Target detection with the help of modern signal processing technology.  The system used in the signal processing DSP technology for eliminating unwanted noise, which improves the detection of targets.  
Mode target tracking (TT) and AIS (AIS) as standard ensured precision target tracking mode that allows for automatic target tracking (10 goals) and AIS target display mode (50 targets).  

Radar setup 

  • Sensitivity adjustment 
  • Rejection rough seas 
  • Rejection of precipitation 
  • IR - Rejection neighboring radars 
  • Measuring range and bearing with the cursor / fixed and movable range rings and electronic viewfinder Destinations 
  • Display the trace of your vessel 
  • NAV data lines and display 
  • TM true motion display  
  • Built-in test system 
  • TT (manual and automatic acquisition of targets for tracking, mapping vectors and trajectories display alarms).  
  • AIS AIS 

DirecTrak ™ The new radar has the function of a simple search on the basis of vessel AIS called DirecTrack. Function displays the nearest radar system identified 50 vessels AIS. When choosing a ship in the list displays the distance and bearing.
Semi-Constaview ™ The new JMA-2300MK2 series technology is used Semi-Constaview JRC patented and used in the 'big' radar. It allows you to quickly process goals with the course, displaying their true traces mode 'Head-Up' (relative azimuth) without the influence of stationary targets, such as land.
MARPA + ™ AIS and automatic routing (MARPA + ™) for 10 goals and 50 targets overlay AIS standard features included in the JMA-2300MK2. JRC continued use and development of technology MARPA + (second generation), which was first used in the previous series of radar JMA-2300. All this provides new radars more reliable detection, Automatic snap and tracking.
System-on-Chip engineers specially developed technology JRC Systen-on-Chip (SoC), which makes a new series of radar JMA-2300MK2 powerful solution available today. When a microchip smaller than a coin, the performance remains at a high level. Just SoC technology makes these compact radars very energy efficient.
Also embedded processor, monitor, processor and remote control are concentrated in a single package, which makes this radar is very compact and suitable for mounting on the vessel.


To connect to the side AC 100-120/220-240 V, 50/60 Hz, 1F require an additional rectifier or NBD-865 Power Supply / Charger VEGA PSS-M24xx. 
When you connect with gyro synchronization signal or a stepper motor must use a signal converter NCT-4106A. 

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JRC JMA-2300

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