
Furuno FAR-2117-BB

Furuno FAR-2117-BB
Furuno FAR-2117-BB
Furuno FAR-2117-BB
Furuno FAR-2117-BB
Furuno FAR-2117-BB

The Furuno FAR-2117-BB radar system is a high-performance device operating in the X frequency range and designed for operation on large merchant ships. It has improved goal search and tracking features. The FAR-2117 BB system is compatible with SXGA monitors (1280 x 1024) and LCD displays. The high-quality connection to the SXGA monitor provides a clear visualized representation of radar signals in various color modes adapted for day and night time, which guarantees efficient use in all lighting conditions. Labels, symbols and text can be presented in different colors for easy navigation. Sophisticated signal processing algorithms such as echo stretching, echo averaging, and anti-interference contribute to improved target detection accuracy. ARPA functions, AIS target screen, target trails, map overlay enhance navigation efficiency and safety. The system allows you to connect up to four radar stations to the network without the need for additional equipment. The radar can be equipped with antennas measuring 4, 6.5 or 8 feet. The control of the system is simplified thanks to the trackball and customizable function keys. Up to 30 routes and 200 waypoints can be stored in the device's memory.

Main Features:

  • Advanced echo processing for accurate recognition in storm conditions.
  • Compliance with SOLAS standards for vessels with a displacement of up to 10,000 tons.
  • The ability to connect up to four radars to the network without additional equipment.
  • Tracking up to 100 goals manually or automatically.
  • Easy operation with customizable keys and trackball.
  • The minimum level of side radiation of the magnetron.
  • Displaying up to 1000 AIS targets.

Technical parameters:

  • Antennas: 4 / 6,5 / 8 feet
  • Directional pattern: Horizontal: 1,9 / 1,23 / 0,95. Vertical: 20
  • Rotation speed: 24 rpm / 42 rpm / 21-26 rpm / 45 rpm
  • Frequency: X-band: 9410 ± 30 MHz
  • Output power: 12 kw
  • Range scales: 0,125, 0,5, 0,75, 1,5, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 96 nautical miles
  • Pulse duration and pulse repetition rate: 0.07/3000 s/Hz, 0.07, 0.15/3000 s/Hz, 0,07, 0,15, 0,3/3000, 15000 iss/Hz, 0,15, 0,3, 0,5, 0,7/3000, 1500, 1000 mks/Hz, 0.5, 0.7, 1.2/1000, 600 s/Hz, 1.2/600 s/Hz
  • Display Modes: Head-Up, Course-Up, North-Up, North-Up TM
  • AIS: Up to 1000 targets
  • Power supply: 24 VDC / 115/230 VAC (processor), 230, 380, 440 VAC (antenna)
  • Consumption: 7.6 A / 8.8 A (processor)
  • Gross vessel capacity: Up to 10,000 r.t.

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Furuno FAR-2117-BB

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Harbour Acceptance Tests (HAT) Harbour Acceptance Tests (HAT) After the equipment is installed onboard the ship and connected, Harbour Acceptance Tests are carried out to prove that the equipment is capable of functioning properly.