Magnetron MAF1615B

Magnetron MAF1615B
Magnetron MAF1615B - compact, lightweight, durable, designed for use in a radar system with a fixed frequency band 9380 - 9440MHz and maximum output power of 12kW. Reduced voltage when the heater operation is required.
The product quality is constantly monitored by the manufacturer. The magnetrons are subject to mandatory testing for compliance with quality standards.
  • Peak anode current - 5.8 A
  • Average power consumption of the anode - 40 W
  • Duty Cycle - 0,001
  • Pulse width - 1.25 microseconds
  • The rate of rise of the pulse voltage - 80 kV / microsecond
  • Warm-up time - 65 seconds
  • Heater Voltage - 6.3
  • Weight - 0.4 kg

Magnetron MAF1615B

Magnetron MAF1615B

Additional Information
Summary table of magnetrons
How to replace a magnetron with a radar
Magnetrons for radar in stock
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Magnetron MAF1615B

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