Magnetron M1913

Magnetron M1913
M1913 - coaxial magnetron, which guarantees safe handling and operation. M1913 magnetron operates in the frequency range 5650-5750 MHz. Compact, lightweight, durable, with a fixed frequency.
The product quality is constantly monitored by the manufacturer. The magnetrons are subject to mandatory testing for compliance with quality standards.
  • Frequency: 5650-5750 MHz
  • Maximum output power: 250 kW
  • Pulse Duration: 0.5 ms
  • Duty cycle: 0.00054
  • The anode voltage of 25 kV
  • Maximum anode current: 20 A
  • heater voltage in standby mode: 5.0 V
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Summary table of magnetrons
How to replace a magnetron with a radar
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Magnetron M1913

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Starting devices Starting devices A starting device connects a piece of equipment, like a motor, to its main power supply. A starting device is the general term for a piece of equipment with one or more contactors that allows the connection of a consumer to its main power supply