Magnetron M1311L

Magnetron M1311L
M1311L is a fixed frequency magnetron in pulsed mode, X-band, designed to work at frequencies from 9345 to 9405 MHz with a maximum power output of 25 kW and a forced air cooling. As the fuse for the magnetron M1311L recommended ispolzovatTL393 or TL368A.
Magnetron M1311L compact and easy to handle and operate, constantly passes control of the manufacturer on the product quality.
  • Frequency Range: 9345-9405 MHz
  • Maximum output power - 25 kW
  • Pulse duration - 1 ms
  • Duty Cycle - 0,001
  • Anode voltage - 8 kV
  • Maximum anode current - 8 A
  • Heater Voltage - 6.3
  • Heater Current - 0.52 A
  • Weight - 1.6 kg

Magnetron M1311L

Magnetron M1311L

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Summary table of magnetrons
How to replace a magnetron with a radar
Magnetrons for radar in stock
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Magnetron M1311L

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