Magnetometer Fluxgate TMC-D/U

Magnetometer Fluxgate TMC-D/U

Fluxgate TMC-D/U - magnetometer 

The Fluxgate TMC-D/U magnetometer is a magnetic compass sensor designed to communicate with other devices using the half-duplex mode of the RS-485 interface. It converts direction information into digital data that provides magnetic compass direction information for various systems and equipment on the ship.
The main application of the Fluxgate TMC-D/U magnetometer is in the marine sphere, especially as a component of automatic steering and a magnetic compass repeater (for data transmission to other systems).
The magnetometer complies with the IEC 61162 standard, which guarantees its reliability and compatibility with other devices using this standard. It can provide accurate readings of the azimuth angle of the magnetic compass and supports a high data transfer rate of 4800 baud/s.
Important advantages of the Fluxgate TMC-D/U magnetometer are its compact dimensions, light weight and low power consumption. This makes it a convenient and economical choice for installation on a ship or other offshore facilities where small size and energy efficiency are important factors.
In general, the Fluxgate TMC-D/U magnetometer is a reliable and accurate tool for determining the direction of the magnetic compass and integration with other ship systems, ensuring controllability and safety during navigation.

Technical specifications
 Distinguishability  0.025°
 Reading precision  0.5°
 Voltage     24V DC
 Consumption power  6W
 Course heading serial interface        RS422 or RS232(NMEA) 

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Magnetometer Fluxgate TMC-D/U

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