Salwico DOS3

Salwico DOS3
Salwico DOS3 (item N1115) is a low profile optical smoke detector. Resistant to false alarms. The sensor uses an alarm verification function that generates two consecutive pulses prior to the start of the alert.
DOS3 can be installed in the database:
  • UB-1
  • UB-6
  • 2IP55
The design of the detector guarantees high resistance to contamination. With the help of a special protective grid, it is possible to easily penetrate the smoke into the detector, while access to insects and air pollutants is not allowed.
  • Operating temperature range - -25 ° C + 70 ° C
  • System voltage - 24 VDC
  • Operating voltage - 17 - 70 VDC
  • Relative humidity - up to 95%
  • White color
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Salwico DOS3

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