- Headsets
- Hydrostat
- Spare parts for Command Intercom System
- Spare kit for gyrocompass
- Parts and accessories for Typhon
- Magnetrons
- Converters and distributors
- Batteryless telephone system
- Fire safety systems
- Ship displays and PC
- Ship Typhon
- Battery
- Power Supply
- Additional units
- Video
- Limiters
- Antennas
- Blocks for testing
- Connecting cables
- Echosounder sensors
Our production
Furuno Felcom-250

FleetBroadband is the first in the world of communication service for shipping and navigation, providing a cost-effective simultaneous broadband voice and data communications through a compact antenna anywhere in the world.
Company released the new generation of Inmarsat FleetBroadband terminals - FELCOM 250, which is intended for the org FURUNO anization of broadband ship-to-shore and shore-to-ship at a speed of up to 432 kbit / s and for the organization of telephone communication using the latest satellite generation Inmarsat I-4.
FleetBroadband provides a data service with a total bandwidth (IP standard to 432 kbit / s) and the selected transmission rate (IP Streaming 256 kbit / s). In addition, users can use the ISDN service services * as well as fax services.
On board any vessel FELCOM250 provide cost-effective broadband connectivity for a wide range of tasks, from communication services to ship management to social tasks, such as phone calls home while at sea.
Available for order