SAILOR 6101 - the alarm panel via Inmarsat C equipment in progress on the display SAILOR 6101 displays received a distress alert. Through the end of the Ethernet, you can connect up to two systems of Inmarsat C.
The Inmarsat C system for the GMDSS is compulsory to have two distress button. If you have a system Mini-C GMDSS panel requires only one alarm as Message Terminal, which is part of the system, there is a distress button.
distress button is protected by a spring-loaded cap to avoid accidental activation of distress. SAILOR 6101 Alarm Panel can be easily installed on the bridge. When a distress signal is initiated in a system with redundant units, only one of the blocks will send an alarm.
  • Power supply: 10.8-32 V DC
  • Power - 1-3 W
  • Interface - IEC 60945
  • Protection class - IP30
  • Operating temperature: -15C to + 55C
  • Storage temperature: -40 ° C to + 80 ° C
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