The Mega-Guard Navigation Light Control System (NLCS) Praxis

The Mega-Guard Navigation Light Control System (NLCS) Praxis
The Mega-Guard Navigation Light Control System (NLCS) Praxis controls up to 48 navigation lamps. The system has two outputs for each navigation lamp: a Main lamp output and a Spare lamp output. Each navigation lamp has its own on/off pushbutton. A number of navigation lamps can be grouped together {e.g. free sailing, towing) for simultaneous on/off control. The Mega-Guard Navigation Light Control System supports the following lamp types:
• LED lamps; 19-32VDC ; maximum 60W.
• Bulblamps; 19-32VDC ; maximum 60W.
The lamps are continuously monitored for failures and the Spare lamp is automatically activated in case of failure of the Main lamp. The Navigation Light Control System is connected to a main and back-up supply and switches automatically to the back-up supply in case of failure of the main supply.
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The Mega-Guard Navigation Light Control System (NLCS) Praxis

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