RUTTER Sigma S6 / WaMOs II

RUTTER Sigma S6 / WaMOs II

Navigation Systems RUTTER Sigma S6 and WaMOs II
Developed on the basis of Windows Sigma S6 is a unique system that processes and transmits radar data.
Using multi-level processing, Sigma S6 allows you to adjust the received data that would complicate the management of the ship. Suitable for a variety of vessels. Sigma S6 has the ability to track very small targets and multiple objects moving at different speeds.

The composition of the Sigma S6 system can include modules such as:
- Sigma S6 IceNavigator Detection and Navigation system
- Sigma S6 Small Target Identification and Supervelliance system
- WaMoS II Wave Monitoring System
All the modules may be combined or used separately.
Sigma S6 system is ideally suited to increase performance of the radar. It provides accurate tracking during search and rescue operations and anti-piracy. 
Sigma S6 IceNavigator - system module detection and navigation. It is used to improve the safety of the ship. Widely used in ice water. It detects small icebergs, including their fragments that prevents dangerous collision vessel. A distinctive feature is the high definition picture of ice. It supports regulatory interference settings. It can track up to 300 targets simultaneously. A simple interface allows data exchange, integration with AIS transponder class vessels A and B. Apply a security zone for the automatic tracking and target acquisition.
Module Signa S6 STISS - widely used on offshore platforms and support vessels as an additional surveillance system monitoring tonnes. It is used during search and rescue operations, during towing, upon detection of floating objects. It has a dual mode Tracker to track fast and slow targets. It integrates with cameras and provides high resolution images of the orthodox. The low level of false alarms.
WaMoS II monitoring system - is a proven radar to work in areas with a high probability of underwater currents and turbulent waves. Throughout the work WaMoS II provides a continuous update of information, provision of data in real time. The system provides high-quality image, the sharpness of the wave fields. The intuitive graphical user interface allows you to freely work with numeric data. The operator always has a good environmental risk assessment during navigation operations. The system provides continuous operation. It is possible to link several remote sites without loss of capacity. Operating range data acquisition shave 4 km without cyclic delay.

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