
AR-42 Receiving antenna 1.6-30 MHz, 4.2 m

AR-42 Receiving antenna 1.6-30 MHz, 4.2 m
Receiving antenna AR-42 manufactured by Comrod has a height of 4.2 meters and operates in the frequency range 1.6-30 MHz. This antenna is used for both sea and land services.

AR-42 is a short-wave fiber-fiber antenna (0.15-30 MHz). It can easily be mounted to the bulkhead using 4 bolt holes in an aluminum bracket, as well as to a mast or a tube with U-bolts. U-bolts are made of stainless steel and are supplied.
The version of the AR-42T is equipped with a transformer, which serves to match the antenna with the cable in case of a significant length, and when the antenna should be used for operation at low frequencies.

  • Frequency range: 0.15-30 MHz
  • Polarization - vertical
  • Weight - 2.7kg (weight includes mass of U-bolted joints)
  • Number of sections - 1
  • Mounting on the mast - diameter 35-65 mm
  • Wind load - up to 55 m / s
  • Temperature regime - from -55 'C to +55' C
  • Cable - RG-8X, RG-213 or similar
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AR-42 Receiving antenna 1.6-30 MHz, 4.2 m

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