Combined speed and wind direction sensor LA-16461.XX

Combined speed and wind direction sensor LA-16461.XX

Combined speed and wind direction sensor LA-16461.XX  is designed to measure two parameters: wind direction and speed. Used to prevent hurricanes, suitable for cold climates, resistant to sea water. The same advantages are easy to install and use, and the ability to select multiple interfaces.

They are used in industrial, transport and professional meteorology, naval weather stations, emergency-wind warning, building automation and wind energy coastal areas.
  • Precision% FS - direction: <2,5 °; Speed: ± 0.2 m / s ± 2%
  • The output signals of 4 .... 20mA / RS422 / NMEA0183 / WIMWV-WIMTA
  • Ingress protection class IP65
  • Measuring range direction 0 ... 360 °
  • Ambient temperature -40 ° C ... 60
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Combined speed and wind direction sensor LA-16461.XX

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