Meteorological sensors Vaisala series WXT530

Meteorological sensors Vaisala series WXT530
Meteorological sensors Vaisala series WXT530 are a series of meteorological instruments manufactured by Vaisala.These sensors are designed for automatic measurements of meteorological parameters: air temperature, relative humidity, speed and direction of the air flow, atmospheric pressure, the amount of precipitation.

Meteorological sensors Vaisala series WXT530 are operated round the clock, and reports about measurements are transmitted at certain time intervals or on request. Weather stations have the heating of an ultrasonic speed and direction transducer, as well as a precipitation converter that protects against adverse weather conditions.

The WXT530 series converter is equipped with a unique Vaisala semiconductor sensor technology. To measure the speed and direction of the wind, the WXT530 is equipped with a Vaisala-type WINDCAP sensor, using ultrasound to determine the speed and direction of the horizontal wind. Measurements of atmospheric pressure, temperature and relative humidity are combined in a PTU module using a capacitive measurement of each parameter. The module can be easily replaced without contacting the sensors.

 Weather station   WXT531    WXT532  WXT533   WXT534    WXT535    WXT536
 Measured parameters  precipitation wind speed;
direction of the wind
wind speed;
direction of the wind
Atmosphere pressure;
relative humidity
Atmosphere pressure;
relative humidity
Atmosphere pressure;
relative humidity
wind speed;
direction of the wind
  Weight, kg, no more than     0,65          0,75          0,75          2,10          2,10          2,38

  • Range of air temperature measurements: from -52 C to + 60 C
  • Maximum power consumption: 0.09 W
  • Digital outputs: SDI-12, RS-232, RS-485, RS-422
  • Supply voltage: 6-24 VDC

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Meteorological sensors Vaisala series WXT530

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