PSC Inspection Analysis (2019-2020)

PSC Inspection Analysis (2019-2020)

We analyzed the number of comments from PSC (Paris MoU) and compiled this report. The purpose of this report was to analyze information on the results of inspections to take preventive measures in ensuring the proper technical condition of ships and their management by shipowners. We also selected the categories of the most frequent comments on radio and navigation equipment that led to the detention of ships.  

Paris MoU consists of 27 maritime administrations and covers the waters of the European coastal states and the North Atlantic basin from North America to Europe. The current Member States of Paris MoU are: Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. The mission of Paris MoU is to exclude the operation of non-standard level vessels through an agreed control system by the port state.

      2018 year     2019 year     2020 (first 5 months)
    Total inspections  17 955  17 908 4 310
    Inspections on ships under the flag of the Russian Federation  2.49% (448)  2.3% (425)  0.25% (108)
    Of which with comments 9,371 9,320 2,250
    Total violations 40,428 39,847 9 555
    Of these, violations on ships flying the flag of the Russian Federation 2.5%  (1,020) 2.5%  (999) 1.99% (191)
    Total detentions 569 527 220
    Of these, the detention of ships flying the flag of the Russian Federation 2.5% (14) 2.28% (12) 2.27% (5)

The most frequent violation in 2019 is “ISM” - problems associated with improper use or violation of ISM Code (International Security Management Code) requirements: there were 1781 of them, 332 of which are ISM violations with delays - this is 11% of all arrests that year .

The top violations included:
violations associated with fire exits - 1037 cases, or 2.6%, of which 66 were detained; 
oil operations logs - 642, or 1.6%, of which 3 were detained; 
navigation documents - 622, or 1.56%, of which 49 were detained; 
cards - 523, or 1.3%, of which 49 were detained; 

We analyzed violations by categories:
PSC Inspection Analysis (2019-2020)

Identified violations by categories (of the total number for the year):

    2019 year 2020 (first 5 months)
 World  from them of the Russian Federation  World  from them of the Russian Federation
 Radio communication   2.17%  1.9%  2.12%  1.6%
 Navigation safety  10.15%  12.6%  10.9%  eleven%
 Rescue equipment  7.66%  8.9%  7.45%  7.3%
 Fire safety 12.9%  12.3%  13.1%  20%

The most common comments for 2019-2020 by category (all flags according to Paris MoU statistics):
Radio communication:
  • Radio magazine - 364 (1 detention)
  • PV / HF installation - 93 (13 detentions)
  • Use of GMDSS equipment - 93 (17 detentions)
  • Means for obtaining information on safety at sea - 91 (16 detentions)
Navigation Security:
  • Navigation publications - 770 (63 detentions)
  • Navigation charts - 649 (75 detentions)
  • Flight Plans - 559 (32 detentions)
  • Lights, signs and ship signals - 518 (35 detentions)
Rescue equipment:
  • Instructions and training on board - 510 (12 detentions)
  • Lifeboats - 477 (56 detentions)
  • Lifebuoys - 473 (13 detentions)
  • Lifeboats - 305 (39 detentions)
Fire safety:
  • Fire doors - 1335 (82 detentions)
  • Fire Detection Systems and Alarms - 530 (58 delays)
  • Fire fighting equipment and facilities - 488 (22 detentions)
  • Fire dampers - 448 (52 detentions)
The IMO (International Maritime Organization, IMO - International Intergovernmental Organization) in Resolution A.1119 (30) established a list of deficiencies, grouped in accordance with the relevant conventions and / or codes, which are considered so serious that they can be the basis for the detention of a particular ship:
  • Lack, insufficient capacity or severe wear and tear of individual life-saving appliances, lifeboats and rafts and launching and lifting devices (see also MSC.1 / Circ.1490 / Rev.1).
  • Absence, non-compliance or significant deterioration to the extent that they cannot meet their purpose, fire detection systems, fire alarms, fire fighting equipment, fixed fire extinguishing systems, ventilation valves, fire dampers and quick-closing devices.
  • Missing, non-conforming requirements or severe deterioration of lights, signs or audible alarms.
  • Lack or misuse of distress and safety communications radio equipment. 
  • Missing or improper use of navigation equipment in accordance with the relevant provisions of regulation V / 16.2 of the SOLAS Convention. 
  • Lack of adjusted navigation charts and / or all other relevant navigation aids required for the intended flight, given that electronic charts may be used in place of these charts.
  • The absence or malfunction of the flight data recording device (DDR), when its use is mandatory. 
  • The absence of a valid LRIT test report and the captain or officer in charge of the command do not know the important ship operating procedures related to the LRIT. 

The detention of a ship is a serious problem. Any equipment can fail, and getting spare parts or replacement parts can be difficult. The service department of our company is ready to provide a number of useful services.
 - Consultation of technical support on radio and navigation equipment, in the case when an engineer’s call is impossible or a quick resolution of the issue is required.
 - The boxed supply of the vessel, which allows you to have on board a supply of necessary supplies and with the help of our technical support, the crew will be able to eliminate the malfunction.
 - And also the departure of our service engineers to eliminate serious equipment failures.
You can order services by phone +7 (812) 4673673 or send an application by mail to  service@cirspb.ru

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