The principle of the classification of courts RRR (extract from the rules)

The principle of the classification of courts RRR (extract from the rules)


7.1.  The class of the vessel is determined by the combination of conditional symbols assigned to the vessel in its classification and characterizing the vessel's structural features and the conditions of its operation in accordance with the rules based on safety requirements.

7.2.  Classification of vessels is carried out in accordance with the classification of water basins.

7.3.  Inland water basins, including areas with marine navigation regime, are classified according to categories "L", "P", "O" and "M" depending on their wind-wave regime, based on the following conditions:

1) in the pools of categories "L", "P" and "O", waves of 1% -support with a height of 0.6, 1.2 and 2.0 m, respectively, have a total repeatability (security) of not more than 4% of navigation time;

2) waves of 3% -supported with a height of 3.0 m in the M-discharge basins have a total repeatability (security) of no more than 4% of the navigation time.

Sites with marine navigation regime start from the border of inland waterways. In these areas, vessels of all types may be operated in accordance with the rules and class of the vessel. The lists of inland water basins in Russia depending on their category, as well as the sea areas in which the vessels of the mixed (river-sea) navigation can be operated, and the conditions for the operation of vessels are established by the rules. Sea areas are classified by categories "O-PR", "M-PR" and "M-SP" depending on their wind-wave regime and the provision of shelter places.

7.4.  The main symbols in the class formula for inland navigation vessels are the letters "L", "P", "O" and "M", which determine the structural features of the vessel and the discharge of the water basin in which it can be operated.

The main symbols in the formula for the class of vessels of the mixed (river-sea) navigation are the letter combinations "O-PR", "M-PR" and "M-SP", which determine the structural features of the vessel and the conditions of its operation in marine areas. The characteristics of the standard wave heights applied to the main symbol of the vessel class are given in Appendix No. 2 to this Regulation.

7.5.  Depending on the vessel's design features, the main symbol of the class in the class formula is supplemented with the following symbols:

1) for vessels built under the technical supervision of the River Register or other recognized by the River Register of the classification organization, - the symbol ‡, which is placed before the main symbol, for example, "‡ O";

2) immediately after the main class symbol, the wave height permitted in operation is entered in meters, accurate to the first decimal place, for example "‡ O1.5".

For high-speed vessels: gliders, hydrofoil ships, air cushion ships (SVPs), and ekranoplanes, the wave height limits are recorded in the form of fractions, in the numerator of which the wave height is indicated when the ship is moving in the displacement state, and in the denominator - in the operational mode. After the fraction, the type of vessel is indicated by the principle of movement, for example, "‡ P1,2 / 0,8 gliders", "‡ O2,0 / 1,2 SPK", "‡ O2,0 / 1,5 SVP", "‡ P1 , 2 / 0,4 ekranoplan ";

3) for ships with special ice reinforcements, after the value of the height of the wave, the bracketed words "ice" and the thickness of small-sized winter ice in centimeters, established by the River Register when the ship is drafted, for example, "O (ice 20)", are recorded. In the class of icebreakers, the word "icebreaker" is inserted;

4) for vessels equipped with automation equipment in accordance with the rules, after the symbols specified in subparagraphs 1 to 3 of this paragraph, the letter "A" is entered, for example, "‡ O2.0 (ice 20) A";

5) if the ship or its individual elements do not fully comply with the rules, are not checked by the operation practice, but are recognized by the River Register as usable as experimental for the purpose of studying and testing them, the symbol "E" is inserted before the symbol "‡" for example, "E ‡ O2.0 (ice 20) A".

With satisfactory results of testing, operation and certification of a vessel with an experimental class, the symbol "E" from the class formula can be excluded.

7.6.  The River Register can exclude or change a symbol in the class formula when changing or violating the conditions that served as the basis for introducing a symbol into the class formula.

7.7.  The River Register assigns a class to the vessel at the initial survey, confirms, renews or restores it at other types of surveys. The assignment, renewal or restoration of the class to the vessel is certified by a classification certificate issued to the vessel.

7.8.  The class of a vessel operated continuously in the basin of a given category should not be less than the discharge level of this basin.

7.9.  An inland navigation vessel having a suitable technical condition may be found to be suitable for occasional
navigation (irregular operation) in a higher-level basin provided that additional design requirements, a freeboard, equipment, supplies, and restrictions on the navigation area, wind Wave regime, seasonality, ice conditions, and so on.

7.10.  The River Register, at the request of the shipowner, reclassifies the vessels if necessary to change the main class symbol in the class formula or the type and destination of the vessel.

7.11.  Work on the preparation of the vessel for reclassification with the upgrade of the class and / or in connection with the change in the type and purpose of the vessel should be carried out in accordance with the technical documentation agreed upon with the River Register and under its technical supervision. Calculations and inspections should be carried out in accordance with the rules in force at the time of the development of the technical documentation for reclassification and should be oriented to new operating conditions due to changes in external loads, technical characteristics (sediment, displacement, freeboard height), type of cargo transported and t.



Under the capacity is understood the gross tonnage of the vessel. The gross tonnage of inland navigation vessels  GT  in register tonnes is determined by the formula:


where  V  is the gross tonnage, m 3 , determined by measuring all the spaces of the vessel or calculated by the formula:


where  L  and  B  are the length and breadth of the vessel along the structural waterline, m;

- board height, m;  - draft of the vessel along the structural waterline, m; d  -  coefficient of completeness of displacement; a  - coefficient of completeness of the structural waterline; l,  b,  h -  average length, width and height of superstructures or cuttings, m, respectively. The gross capacity does not include the volumes of wheelhouse, galley, toilets, all skylights and similar small felling. The gross tonnage of vessels of the mixed (river-sea) voyage shall be determined in accordance with the vessel measurement rules contained in Annex No. 1 to the International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969.



The main symbol of class "L" "R" "About" "M" "About-PR" "M-PR" "M-SP"
Standard wave height, m ​​0.6 1.2 2.0 3.0 2.0 2.5 3.5
Provision of wave heights,% 1 1 1 3 3 3 3

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