New standards for ECDIS system.

New standards for ECDIS system.

Since the initial standards for ECDIS systems (ECDIS) were published in 1998, a number of disadvantages and problems associated with the implementation of these standards. Various issues were finally revised and reissued as an addition to the basic standards. The last major change came into force in August 2015, which focused on new products ECDIS.
Previous editions will remain valid for 12 months after the date of entry into force of the new editions. Based on the decision of IMO in March 2016, the validity period is extended another 12 months. Thus, in August 2017, the newly installed equipment ECDIS should comply with the new IEC standards (IEC), as well as all products are already installed ECDIS must be upgraded to meet the new IHO standards.
The main operational documents that implement the new standards:
• IEC 61174 Edition 4 - 'performance requirements for ECDIS, methods of testing and required test results'
• IHO S-52 Edition 6.1 - 'Technical requirements for the content of maps and display aspects of ECDIS'
• IHO S-52 Edition 4.0 Appendix A - 'ECDIS Presentation Library'
• IHO S-64 Edition 3.0 - «Test data for ECDIS'
Other relevant documents that affect the new standards include:
• IMO Resolution MSC.232 (82) - 'Quality standard ECDIS'
• IEC 61162-450 - «Digital interfaces for navigation equipment inside the ship'
• IEC 62288 Edition 2 - 'Presentation of navigation-related information displays ship'
• IEC 62388 2nd edition - 'Ship radar - performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results'
• IHO S-58 - Recommended validation
• IHO S-63 Edition 1.2 - 'Scheme of data protection'
By August of 2017 all the products already installed ECDIS must be upgraded to meet the new standards of the IHO.
New standards IEC and IHO based on user feedback.
Here are a variety of situations, which explains the need to follow the new standards:
1. Update status reports.
During an inspection of the Master asks to see a report on the ECDIS updates, as well as the time when they were produced. Under the old standard, it is not possible to obtain the full report or review updates. The wizard should look for this information in cells. It is tedious and time consuming, and can lead to errors ECDIS settings.
2. Protection from viruses.
 Second assistant inserts a USB-dongle in ECDIS in order to update the software and automatically initiates the update process using the automatic startup script. Unfortunately, USB media has been infected with a virus from the computer on which the update was originally stored.
3. Standardization.
The shipping company has a number of different products from different ECDIS manufacturers throughout the fleet. Displays and workflows differ. Whenever officers transferred from ship to ship, they must pass the thematic refresher courses. It is expensive and time consuming.
4. Alarm fatigue.
capacity control systems OOW subject to constant alarm is triggered with ECDIS. It is very distracting and ultimately command may simply ignore the alarms as a whole.
New standards for ECDIS provide:
• Improved functionality.
• For safe navigation.
• Increased cyber security.
• More standardized display, vocabulary and exploitation.
• Reduced training requirements.
• Smooth integration with DDR, Bridge Management Alert and BNWAS (control capacity watchkeeping mate)
Overall summary of changes in IEC 61174.
• An update is available ENC, so be content maps can be controlled internally or with the help of Inspector vessel.
• No automatic start from a USB key, which provides protection against viruses.
• Ability to set the default and user settings in a single step.
• A new requirement for anchorage.
• Ability to ECDIS Operator, disable the alarm for the CPA / TCPA and AIS AIS lost goals.
• The icons and symbols on the charts should be in accordance with the new standard and the new IEC62288 standartamiIHO S-52 and S-63.
• Required: common terminology and common abbreviations, which are used in ECDIS to educate users and to minimize confusion when working with different brands of ECDIS.
• Interface to VDR in IEC 61162-450 format, which should also be written in the VDR.
• Output interface for BNWAS to confirm the activity of watchkeeping.
• Additional input interface from NAVTEX / Safety Net / MSI, for security posts.
 Overall summary of changes in the IHO S-52
• More simple and precise language in the library.
• Provide multiple options for development, to perform the same task.
• Added new sections to notify navigational hazard, to identify areas with specific weather conditions and the identification of safe areas.
• Exact designation of objects that will trigger an alarm ECDIS.
• Simplified diagram and terms.
• Numerous changes to the ENC symbols directory.
• Removal of many 'sea objects' in Part II of the library.
Overall summary of changes in the IHO S-64:
The new edition of S-64 holds the test procedures in accordance with the standards and performance IEC 61174 Ed. 4 and the amendments to the IHO S-52. S-64 describes the installation, data, expected results and any images required in an accessible form for testing ECDIS. It includes a full set of tests to ensure that all the necessary combinations are considered correct ECDIS.

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