Vladivostok, let's sum up!
03 July, 2023
The second conference for shipowners from the company "Communications and Radio Navigation" - "Communications, navigation, automation, new products and technologies at sea 2023" has been successfully completed in VladivostokThe program was intense:
Alexander Zavodchikov, Director of RTCOMM's Far East branch, presented comprehensive satellite solutions for an efficient fleet.
Technologies that help shipowners to develop their business, the crew to stay in touch with the company's office and coastal services on the high seas, as well as comprehensive network security solutions for ships that provide protection against unauthorized access and cyber attacks.
The Chief specialist of the RMRS Development and Improvement Department, Igor Petrovich Shvaiba, spoke about the changes in the Register rules in the field of radio and navigation equipment. We discussed in detail the points of the Rules that will be amended from January 1, 2024, as well as which of the points will be completely removed.
Igor Petrovich gave a detailed interpretation of each of the upcoming adjustments.
Presentations were also made by leading employees of the company "Communications and Radio Navigation":
The General Director, Andrey Ilyin, told about the history of the company's development, main developments and areas of activity.
The head of the Far East regional division presented the goals, prospects and vector of development of the company's branch.
The Commercial Director, Renat Asaev, shared his view on the current situation in the domestic and foreign markets. He told about the main trends in supplies at the moment, options for replacing various in-ship communication and navigation systems.
The head of the development department presented the branded line of devices, which is being developed by the company "Communications and Radio Navigation" and is mass-produced in its own production, and also presented products that will soon appear on the market.
In conclusion, the head of the Automation and Electrics department announced the main types of work performed by the company, options for replacing automation and electrics systems on ships in the current situation and the advantages of their work.
At the conference, we also demonstrated new equipment samples to the shipowners of the Far East. The technical support specialist of the company "Communications and Radio Navigation", spoke in detail about the advantages and subtleties of use.
At the stand were presented:
Navigation Echo sounder EP-1021x
Stationary VHF radio station CRS-310
ComNav G2 Satellite Compass
CGF-165W Magnetic Compass
UDRD DR-100s
Marine VHF radio station CRS-110
Marine VHF Radio Station CRS-120 GMDSS
Explosion-proof radio station VHF CRS-130 ATEX
And our developments:
PSX Power Supply
PSL Power Supply
Alarm Notification Block
Universal Repeater UR
LED Repeater
Signal multiplier amplifier CIR CDA 28
NMEA 0183 CIR CAS-82 Amplifier/Adder
NMEA 0183 CIR MP-01 Signal Converter
Among the guests of the conference there were such companies as:
GC "Russian Crab"
Far Eastern Fleet LLC
Sea Breeze LLC
Marine Radio Engineering LLC
LLC "Magadanryba"
LLC "Vostokflot"
and others
This is not the last conference that the company "Communications and Radio Navigation" holds for shipowners and their employees. In the near future, we plan to hold events in other cities of Russia.