MSC requirements from 01.07.2022 to EPIRB
Can I drive a car without a spare wheel? No question, you can, but the soul will surely undermine the ugly worm of waiting for problems.
At sea, such situations shimmer on 10 meter waves with different colors and therefore everyone has an emergency radio beacon (EPIRB) in maximum working order, especially since this was prescribed with paternal care by the Maritime Safety Committee.
Moving to another level of care for the souls of seafarers, MSC expanded the requirements for the EPIRB and obliged from July 01, 2022 the mandatory presence of AIS on the EPIRB.
The invisible hand of the market has already pushed the main manufacturers of radio navigation equipment to manufacture new models of EPIRBs. We, working with these companies in close, will not be afraid of this word - collaboration, we are already ready to make offers, which are difficult to refuse, for our clients.
You can get acquainted with the new requirements in the original by following the link.