Obsolete Notice, Tron 40S and Tron S-VDR batteries

30 April, 2015
Company Jotron indicates to replace the outdated batteries. Are eligible for replacement:
Jotron part.no 97780, Battery Tron 40S 5 years, basic set
Jotron part.no 84523, Battery Tron 40S 5 years SBM kit
Jotron part.no 81847, battery-free for quick capsule, SVDR
It is highly recommended to replace the batteries from the party 97 780 and 84 523, or purchase a new capsule Tron 40S MK II.
As an alternative Jotron part.no 81,847, we recommend contact with the producers VDR / S-VDR for help. Some manufacturers have approval for Jotron Tron 40VDR Float Free Capsule as an alternative capsule.

Мета-описание:  Obsolete Notice, Tron 40S andTron S-VDR batteries

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