Polar Code
20 December, 2016
According to the International Code, which will enter into force on 1 January 2017, all ships with a gross tonnage of more than 500 operating in polar waters, except for government non-commercial service Ships will be required to meet the requirements of the Polar Code until the first interim or planned survey after 1 January 2018. Court, which will be built after January 1, 2017 are required to comply with the requirements initially.
'From the point of view of the requirements for ships and protection of the marine environment from pollution vessels Polar Code is fully consistent with the rules of the Northern Sea Route', - said director of the department of state policy in the field of Maritime and River Transport Ministry of Transport of Russia Vitaly Klyuev.
The main objective of the Polar Code is to improve the safety of navigation, as well as a significant reduction in the adverse factors affecting the crew and the environment during the operation of ships in polar waters (Arctic and Antarctic waters). Moreover, the Code draws attention to the design, construction, operation of ships and crew basics of environmental protection and training of search and rescue operations.
The requirements for the technical condition of vessels are developed on the basis of factors such as:
- Low ambient temperature
- Ice
- Features of the time of day (long polar night and polar day long)
- Remoteness
- The high sensitivity of the environment to contamination.
Articles of Polar Code considering the structure of the division of vessels into 3 categories, in accordance with the design, depending on the possibility of their use in terms of average annual ice thickness, thin first-year ice, individual ice floes. Also, set the danger factors that may affect the operation of the vessel, including, in particular, ice, ice build-up, low temperature, lack of experience and qualifications of the crew, lack of safety equipment.
Requirements Code through the Marine Environment Protection Committee focus on:
- Prevention of oil pollution
- Prevention of pollution of hazardous liquid substances
- The prevention of pollution by sewage
- Prevention of Pollution by Garbage
Polar Code is a mandatory regulation. All vessels that operate in polar waters are required to be examined and certified for compliance with the requirements of the Polar Code. After going through all the necessary procedures, the vessel Polar receive a certificate that certifies that the vessel is properly inspected and meets all the requirements of the Polar Code. Polarity certificate will be accompanied by a list of equipment.
Polar Code is designed according to the traditional structure consisting of 2 parts: the mandatory requirements (Part I-A 'Safety') and recommendations (Part 1-B). It also has an opening portion, which lists the mandatory provisions.
Articles Polar Code considering the structure of the division of vessels into 3 categories, in accordance with the design, depending on the possibility of their use in terms of average annual ice thickness, thin first-year ice, individual ice floes. Also, set the danger factors that may affect the operation of the vessel, including, in particular, ice, ice build-up, low temperature, lack of experience and qualifications of the crew, lack of safety equipment.
Мета-описание: According to the International Code, which will enter into force on 1 January 2017, all ships with a gross tonnage of more than 500 operating in polar waters, except for government non-commercial service Ships will be required to meet the requirements of