- Headsets
- Hydrostat
- Spare parts for Command Intercom System
- Spare kit for gyrocompass
- Parts and accessories for Typhon
- Magnetrons
- Converters and distributors
- Batteryless telephone system
- Fire safety systems
- Ship displays and PC
- Ship Typhon
- Battery
- Power Supply
- Additional units
- Video
- Limiters
- Antennas
- Blocks for testing
- Connecting cables
- Echosounder sensors
Our production
Partnership with JOTRON
26 February, 2021
For the second year in a row, Communication and Radionavigation SPb has been an agent of JOTRON AS in Russia and is authorized to sell and provide services for a range of equipment manufactured by JOTRON AS. The companies entered into a new agreement for 2021.
For detailed information on the line of JOTRON equipment or its maintenance - you can call +7 (812) 4673673