Certificates by PRAXIS
In the period from December 20 to December 24, engineers of the marine automation division from St. Petersburg and Rostov-on-Don took a training course on the equipment of the manufacturer PRAXIS Automation Technology (the Netherlands).
Continuous professional development of personnel is the most important component of our company's policy.
In 5 days, our engineers have studied the basics of building, configuring, commissioning, and diagnostics of ship automation systems implemented on Mega Guard Pro and Mega Guard E series equipment, including:
Vessel management system
Power management system
- Fire alarm system
- Propulsion control system
- Navigation light control
- Individual solutions
According to the results of training and final testing, the engineers were issued manufacturer's certificates, and the Communications and Radionavigation SPb LLC was awarded the status of an official service partner of PRAXIS Automation Technology (Netherlands)
Repair, maintenance, supply and commissioning of ship automation systems has become one of the key areas for us, as these systems ensure the safety of fleet operation and minimize the occurrence of emergency and critical situations for the crew, take urgent measures to prevent and eliminate such situations, and, as a whole, ensure the normal functioning and safety of the crew and passengers.
Thanks to modular solutions and network interface of Mega Guard components, it is possible to develop PRAXIS systems of any complexity that can be adapted to solve any automation tasks.
In addition to service, our company is ready to offer diagnostics and recovery of previously installed PRAXIS systems, delivery of spare parts, modernization of previously installed automation systems using modern solutions, as well as the development, supply, installation and commissioning of newly installed marine automation systems.
Reference: Praxis Automation Technology company, founded in 1965 with its main office in the Netherlands, began with manufacturing and supplying alarm and monitoring systems for sea going vessels. During the years, experience combined with extensive research, enabled the company to offer complete solutions in the ship automation, navigation and electric propulsion equipment field. Today they design and produce the third generation of the complete Mega-Guard automation and navigation product line. In recent years, the Mega-Guard product line has been extended with electric propulsion and electric energy storage devices to demonstrate commitment to environmentally friendly solutions.
To submit a request for defect repair, restoration or preparation of a comprehensive solution for replacement or installation of new systems, you can contact by e-mail automation@cirspb.ru or by phone +7-931-321-35-36 (contact person Aleksey Poliektov)