Circular of 4 September 2014
21 July, 2016
Amendments to the Guidelines on Technical Supervision of vessels in operation, ND 2-030101-009.
1. In chapter 2.1, part lll 'The inspection of vessels in accordance with international conventions, codes and resolutions' is added a new paragraph as follows:
' checks for at least two sets of two-way VHF radiotelephone equipment for each batch of emergency fire-fighting (is required at the first examination after 01.07.2018) (pr. Ll in-2 / 10.4 of SOLAS-74/12). The presence of this equipment is required regardless of the number of two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus used for GMDSS '.
2. In paragraph 2.1.4, part lll 'The inspection of vessels in accordance with international conventions, codes and resolutions' is added a new paragraph as follows:
' checks for at least two sets of two-way VHF radiotelephone equipment for each batch of emergency fire-fighting (is required at the first examination after 01.07.2018) (pr. Ll in-2 / 10.4 of SOLAS-74/12). The presence of this equipment is required regardless of the number of two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus used for GMDSS '
Changes to the Guidelines on Technical Supervision of Ships in Service 2-030101-009 ND.
This is to inform that 01.07.2014 will take effect IMO resolution MSC.338 (91), which contains amendments to Part H-2 of the International Convention (IC) of SOLAS-74, namely, a new Rule 11.2 / 10.4 prescribing is as follows:
'For ships built by July 1, 2014 or after this date, one must have on board at least two sets of two-way VHF radiotelephone equipment for each batch of emergency fire-fighting. The above two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus must be explosion-proof and intrinsically safe type. Court constructed before 1 July 2014 shall comply with this requirement not later than the first survey for the SE or {SP) after July 1, 2018. '
In part III «The inspection of vessels in accordance with international conventions, codes and resolutions,' Guidelines for Technical Supervision of vessels in operation amended, annexed to this circular. '
Мета-описание: General Directorate of the Russian Maritime Register reports:Making changes to the technical supervision of ships in operation manual, ND 2-030101-009.