Sailor VSAT 900
Satellite communication terminal 900 is equipped with a Sailor VSAT stabillizirovannoy triaxial antenna Ku-band, which provides excellent performance thanks to improved performance. Sailor VSAT 900 provides ship stable broadband Internet access 24/7. Being in the coverage area of the system provides up to 1024 kbps channel that allows the use of all necessary IT services. Furthermore ship terminal provides IP (VoIP) telephony.
By reducing the level of signal ect opportunity to connect to the modem two antennas.
Frequencies: Ku / Ka-band (VSAT). 10,70-12,75 GHz (RX), 13,75-14,50 GHz (TX)
Size 103 cm (antenna), 150 H x 130 cm diameter (ADU), 4,4 x 48 x 33 cm (ACU)
Power 20-32 V DC
Consumption of 370 watts peak., 175 W type.
Antenna type 3-hosevaya (+ Autotilt) stable, integrated GPS
The output power of 8 W (BUC)
EIRP> / = 50,1 dBW
LNB 2 blocks
Polarization Linear Cross / Co-Pol
Rise from -25 ° to + 125 °
Azimuth Unlimited
Operating temperature range -25 ° C ~ 55 ° C
Storage Temperature -40 ° C ~ 85 ° C
Weight 126.5 kg (ADU), 4,5 kg (ACU)
Available for order
Thermal paper sizes for different devices
The following table lists all the popular devices using thermal paper and paper sizes for each device.