TSS / Alarm

TSS / Alarm
TSS / Alarm
TSS / Alarm

The TSS / Alarm Alarm System provides control of the loading of liquid petroleum products into the tanks of cargo ships carrying petroleum products. As part of the "TSS / ALARM" system there are ultrasonic level alarms, with two TLA control points, BCS control and signaling units and an alarm panel.

The control of oil products filling is performed by ultrasonic level alarms. When the critical (emergency) level is reached, sound and light signals are sent to the alarm panel. At the same time, sound signals are sent to the sirens and light signals on the flashing lights installed on the deck. The audible alarm and the light alarm are silenced when the acknowledge button is pressed.

The TLA level is powered by intrinsically safe circuits through intrinsic safety barriers.  

The TSS / Alarm system can be supplied separately or as part of the Integrated Control System for Technical Means (TSS / Control).

Technical characteristics of the TSS / Alarm system

  • Protection level IP44

  • Power supply main 220 V AC / 24 V DC

  • Power backup 220 V AC / 24 V DC

Composition of the system devices
1. Local technological station ATLM.421134 as a part 
- Power supply 
- Intrinsically safe circuit barrier
- Programmable logic controller 
- I / O 
module - Interface module ADAM series, Hirshman RS2, MOXA series ED, EDS, PI-485,
- Module ADC WAGO series 750,
- Switch 
- Alarm panel ATLM421567 
2. Flashing signal lamp (yellow and red) АТЛМ.421568.011 HL 
3. Alarm siren АТЛМ.421568.011 NA for high and extreme level
4. Level switches type TLA / UTS

  • RMRS
  • RRR
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TSS / Alarm

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