
Doppler sonar log DGL-1

Doppler sonar log DGL-1
Doppler sonar log DGL-1 is intended for use in navigation systems on vessels of any type and size. Lag required to determine the distance traveled and the longitudinal component of the velocity of the ship. 
Specifications DGL-1: 
  • Measuring range of the longitudinal component of the ship's speed, knots -10 ... +60 
  • Measurement error of the longitudinal component of the ship's speed relative to the ground (to 20 m depth) and water: the boat speed over 10 knots:%, not more than 1; Vessel at a rate of less than 10 nodes: nodes, not more than 0.1 
  • The display range is covered vessel distance, miles: 99999.9 
  • Error of measurement of distance,%, not more than 1 
  • Supply voltage, V: 220 ± 20 
  • Frequency Hz: 50 ± 2,5 
  • Power consumption, W, not more than 120 
  • MTBF, hours, not less than 2500 
  • Hexadecimal synchronous serial code 
  • Output of standard NMEA 0183 
  • Pulse and analog output
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Doppler sonar log DGL-1

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