Gyrosphere compass for Amur-M
The company 'Communication and Radionavigation' provides replacement of sensors for gyrocompass Amur-M.
As experts of the company carried out repairs gyro sensing elements Amur-M.
The sensing element (or gyrosphere) is a key element of the gyrocompass. This is a hollow metal sphere inside which are rotating at a high speed gyros. Drive rotation - motors. Scope sealed and filled with hydrogen to reduce the friction losses, contains a small amount of lubricating oil on the bottom. To the electric motor powering the scope of components are carried out with a bandage tokoizoliruyushim between the parts, the supply voltage (usually alternating high frequency) via a conductive liquid consisting of water, glycerol, alcohol and boric acid, which is floating sphere.
On questions contact the service department by phone in St. Petersburg (+7 812) 445-27-01, and 79045531441, Petrozavodsk: (+7 8142) 57-80-30 and (+7 8142) 57-00-03 . Either by sending a request by e-mail cirspb@mail.ru.
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