Sensing element (gyrosphere) Tokyo Keiki L5021PYSF

Sensing element (gyrosphere) Tokyo Keiki L5021PYSF
Gyrosphere L5021PYSF - is the main (sensitive) element of the Tokyo Keiki TG-8000 series gyrocompass.

Our company is engaged in the supply and maintenance (replacement) of the Tokyo Keiki L5021PYSF gyrosphere.

To place an order for the supply or maintenance of the Tokyo Keiki Sensing Element, please contact sales@cirspb.ru or service@cirspb.ru
For questions, please call: in St. Petersburg (+7 812) 679-09-10 and +79045531441,
in Petrozavodsk (+7 8142) 57-80-30 and (+7 8142) 57-00-03.

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Sensing element (gyrosphere) Tokyo Keiki L5021PYSF

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