CF-3 Circular View Repeater

CF-3 Circular View Repeater

Gyrocompass Repeater CF-3 

The CF3 repeater is a device designed to transmit information about the ship's course received from the gyrocompass to different parts of the ship. It is characterized by its compact size, which allows its installation even in a limited space, for example, on a table or on a wall.
The main task of the CF3 repeater is to provide reliable and accurate determination of the ship's course using advanced electronic and computer technologies.
If the signal from the gyrocompass is analog, the CF3 repeater offers a modular converter that allows you to convert an analog signal into a digital format. This expands the possibilities of using the device, especially in cases where digital data processing is required.
The CF3 gyrocompass repeater is a modern and convenient device that can significantly improve the navigation capabilities of the vessel and ensure accurate course determination in various operating conditions.

Technical specifications
 Card diameter     150mm
 Reading accuracy  0.5°
 Voltage   24V DC
 Power consumption   6W
 Interface   RS422 & RS232 (NMEA-0183)  

  • RMRS
Available for order

CF-3 Circular View Repeater

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  • not explosion-proof
  • 2 ft

Iridium Certus Iridium Certus Iridium Certus is a technological platform developed on the basis of the network of new generation Iridium NEXT satellites.