Power sources NavCom ALFA2 / ALFA3 / ALFA5

Power sources NavCom ALFA2 / ALFA3 / ALFA5
Power sources NavCom ALFA2 / ALFA3 / ALFA5 - are stabilized devices designed to power various devices such as digital and analog. Suitable for industrial and household devices. Power sources are used in marine and river vessels. Manufactured according to TU 6589-014-96021685-2014.
NavCom ALFA2 / ALFA3 / ALFA5 operate on AC 220 V or 24 V voltage switching is performed automatically. The units are protected against short-circuit and over-voltage over-current output. Equipped with a security system with automatic safety.
Power source housings are made of steel. LED display allows you to identify the presence of voltage on the network inputs, the source of state power and the presence of voltage at the output of the product.
Package Included:
  • power supply;
  • passport;
  • manual;
  • packaging the product.
  • Specifications
Nominal input voltage '220 INPUT' 220 220 220
Nominal voltage at the input 'INPUT 24' 24 24 24
Rated voltage output, V 13.5 13.5 25.5
The maximum input current (input 220), 100% cycles 13.5 13.5 25.5
The maximum input current (input 220), 100% cycles 2 3.5 3.5
Maximum input current (24 V input), 100% of cycles 10 14 14
Maximum output current is 100% of cycles 10 16 8
Voltage fluctuations, no more, mV 120 120 120
Degree of protection IP44 IP44 IP44
Operating temperature range, ° C -15…+55 -15…+55 -15…+55
Dimensions (in view of cable glands), mm 390х245х90 390х245х90 390х245х90
Weight, kg 5.5 5.8 5.8
Safety distance from magnetic compass, m 0.4 0.4 0.4


Input voltage
220 VAC
Output voltage
24 VDC
  • RMRS
  • RRR
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Power sources NavCom ALFA2 / ALFA3 / ALFA5

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