Vector VT-44 Military

Vector VT-44 Military
The radio Vector VT-44 Military equipped with all the necessary features to ensure high-quality reliable communications. The radio station is made in shockproof waterproof housing. For added convenience, the radio Vector VT-44 is equipped with a display, 9th levels of noise reduction, built-in CTCSS encoder / decoder. Ability to control the power of the transmitter is very saves battery consumption.
Technical hoarakteristiki:
  • Frequency range: 443.075-434.775 / 446.00625-446.09375MGts
  • Number of channels 69/8
  • Number of sub-tones (CTSS) 38
  • Frequency 25 kHz
  • Power supply Li-Pol, 1500 mA / h
  • Antenna Impedance 50 ohm
  • Operational temperature range from -30?S to 70?S
  • Dimensions (without antenna) 99 x 55 x 31 mm
  • Cycle time at 05.05.90: 12-14 hours

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