
Jotron Tron TR30

Jotron Tron TR30
Portable VHF is not sinking Jotron Tron TR30 has two modes of operation: can be used as an emergency GMDSS radio (using the emergency battery) or as a regular communication equipment VHF (using the rechargeable battery). Fully compliant with the IMO and SOLAS.
Tron TR30 automatically enters avrariyny mode when connecting an emergency battery. In this mode, the number of radio functions is reduced to facilitate its setting at the critical moment. Housing Jotron Tron TR30 is completely waterproof, moreover if it enters the water station remains on the surface. All necessary information is displayed on the large, backlit display. The radio station has a new ergonomic and functional design. For ease of use to the Tron TR30 can be connected PTT (IP-67) or a headset with a button PTT.
Specifications radio Tron TR30:
Frequency range: 154 - 163 MHz
Channel spacing: 25 kHz
Operating temperature range: -20 to +55
Size: 61 mm x 157 mm x 40 mm (width belt clamp 47 mm)
Weight: approx. 300 g (with battery alarm) and 295 g (with rechargeable battery)
Maximum Usable Sensitivity: <1?V for 20dB SINAD
Adjacent channel suppression:> 70 dB
Blocking:> 90 dB
Harmonic distortion: <5%
Technical characteristics of the charger:
Rabochiyistochnik supply: 12 - 24 V DC, 15 - 20 V AC, 115 / 230VAC AC adapter
Size: 92 mm x 68 mm x 115 mm
Emergency battery:
Ingredients: Lithium / iron disulfide (Li / FeS2)
Voltage: 2x3V
Capacity: 3000 mAh
Rechargeable battery:
Ingredients: Lithium-polymer battery
Voltage: 7.4V Nom
Capacity: 1550 mAh

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Jotron Tron TR30

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Radar overlay Radar overlay In accordance with IMO Resolution MSC.282 (86) from 2012 to 2018 all seagoing vessels must be equipped with ECDIS systems in the elements of the integrated navigation system.