MG5243 X-Band Magnetron

MG5243 X-Band Magnetron
MG5243 X-Band Magnetron - a magnetron constructed in accordance with technology e2V, which ensures safety in handling and operation. Magnetron MG5243 X-Band operates at frequencies 9445 ± 30 MHz. Compact, rugged, lightweight, fixed frequency. This equipment is manufactured on the principle of maximum limits in contact with high voltage circuits and all high voltage circuits and terminals are hidden. Equipped with emergency button to turn off the power supply in the event of a device failure.
Specifications:                                                                MG5243 X-Band Magnetron
  • The operating frequency - 9445 ± 30 MHz
  • Maximum peak power - 4.0 kW
  • Coupler - IEC UBR100
  • Cooling - natural
  • The indirectly heated cathode
  • Heater voltage - 6.3 V
  • Current heater - 6,3 V - 0,5 A
  • Weight - 0.7 kg
  • Mounting position - Any
  • Minimum gap - 50 mm
  • Anode current (peak value) - 6.0 10 A
  • Power consumption (peak) - 75 kW
  • Power consumption (average) - 85 W
  • Duty cycle - 0.0025
  • Pulse duration - 2.1 ms
  • SWR output coupler - 1.5: 1
А 113.0 мм
B 41.4 мм
С 36.0 мм
D 86.0 мм
Е 10.0 мм
F 3.18 ± 0.10 мм
G 240.0 мм
Н 52.5 мм max 
J 30.0 мм
К 21.5 мм
L 4.49 мм
М 104.2 мм max
N 4.320 мм max
Р 4.00 мм max
Q 5.15 мм min
R 31.0 мм max
S 5.00 мм
Т 32.52 мм
MG5243 X-Band Magnetron
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Summary table of magnetrons
How to replace a magnetron with a radar
Magnetrons for radar in stock
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MG5243 X-Band Magnetron

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