Magnetron MG5241
Magnetron MG5241 X-Band - compact, durable, lightweight. It works at a frequency of 9410 MHz + 30, the weight of 0.7 kg.
The product quality is constantly monitored by the manufacturer. The magnetrons are subject to mandatory testing for compliance with quality standards.
The maximum and minimum absolute values:
- Voltage -.... 6,9 V 7
- Start-up current - ..... 3.0 A
- The anode voltage ....... - 5.4 6.4 kV
- Anode current ..... - 3,0 6,0 A
- Input power (average) ..... - 70 W
- Duty cycle .....- 0.0025
- The pulse duration ..... - 2.5 ms
- The rate of increase of the voltage pulse ..... - 150 kV / ms
You do not need to lower the channel voltage for any value of the input power. The maximum slew rate for stable operation depends on the detailed characteristics of the applied pulse and the construction of the pulsator.
Additional Information |
Summary table of magnetrons |
How to replace a magnetron with a radar |
Magnetrons for radar in stock |
Available for order
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