Magnetron M1901S

Magnetron M1901S

M1901S - S-band magnetron is designed to operate in the frequency range from 2.7 GHz to 2.9 GHz with a maximum power output of 750 kW.

M1901S magnetron used with a separate magnet, which must meet certain requirements. The axis of the magnetic field must be aligned with the axis of the anode, and the north pole of the magnet to be adjacent to a cathode terminal.

While working in conditions of high voltages needed to operate the heater follow the following conditions:
The average input power (W) - Power of the heater (B):
1000-1200                                     8.0
800-1000                                       10.5
600-800                                         13.0
400-600                                         15.0
less than 400                                16.0
  • Maximum anode current - 45 A
  • Heater Voltage: 16 V
  • Minimum preheating time: 120 seconds
  • The maximum anode voltage - 32 kV
  • Input power (peak) - 2000 kW
  • Input power (average) - 1200 W
  • The rate of rise of the pulse voltage - 200 kV / microsecond
  • Pulse duration - 2.5 ms
  • anode temperature - 100 °C
  • Weight: 2.5 kg
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Magnetron M1901S

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