ITS-1010 - Digital integrated shipboard communication system

ITS-1010 - Digital integrated shipboard communication system
ITS-1010 - Digital integrated shipboard communication system

  • public address communication in the following modes:
  • pair communication mode allowing additional users to be quickly connected to a conference call;
  • selective or pre-defined conference call;
  • broadcast communication (commands are transmitted to all substations and all zones);
  • emergency call.;
  • automatic telephone communication in the following modes:
  • pair communication (forwarding call, forwarding call if the line is busy, return call, number repetition, abbreviated dialing, etc.) and priority caller;
  • selective or pre-defined conference call.
  • radio telephone communication (RTC) with following capabilities:
  • providing an extension (via base unit) to internal telephone sets (including other RTC devices);
  • intercommunication within one base unit (the line is not busy).
  • automatic telephone line with coastal stations;
  • video communication (using telephone sets of PT-VC type and digital PoE lines);
  • announcement can be provided from user substations and PBX sets (requires external public address unit – at option);
  • communication between users of loudspeaker system and PBX;
  • incoming call is indicated by external light and sound units;
  • automatic recording of voice messages;
  • administration, settings and diagnostics of the system are made by a PC.

  • RMRS
  • RRR
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ITS-1010 - Digital integrated shipboard communication system

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