Hammar ERRS LRS - Local System for disconnection of one or two hydrostatic units with adjustable time delay, by means of which it is possible to unlock devices manually using the button or automatically with HPS. 

ERRS LRS is optimized for installation with several life rafts and / or EPIRBs. The system can be controlled from several remote release locations, by adding one or more remote buttons. This is a very flexible control system for safety devices on board. ERRS is powered by the ship's emergency power source. Each control panel is also equipped with a backup battery to operate in all emergency situations, and can also run on battery power for 24 hours if the ship's emergency power supply is interrupted.

ERRS LRS is easy to operate and install, small in size and very mobile, which provides efficient management of the rapid evacuation of a large number of passengers. ERRS LRS can be used for installation on vessels up to 150 meters in length. Controlled by a button on the electronic control panel, which activates one or two electric control units of the Hammar H20 remote control. Output number 2 is activated automatically 2 seconds after the output number 1 has been activated. The time delay can be adjusted according to specific requirements. To activate the relay outputs, the ERRS Addon module (HM-0464) is required and the device must be configured for this function.


ERRS automatically checks the system once per hour. The system check monitors the battery, emergency power supply, ERU circuits and wiring to an external activation switch. The battery voltage is checked every 24 hours. If the system check detects a deviation, an alarm appears on the LED indicator and the alarm output is activated. You can initiate a manual system check, which is useful when servicing the raft.

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