Salwico Cruise Fire Detection System
Salwico Cruise Fire Detection - a system capable of self-adaptation, allowing meet with requirements of the user. Optimize technical support, increases the safety of the system Salwico Cruise Fire Detection. Uninterrupted working principle, is able to prevent failures, if you disable some areas of the system.
The control unit is designed for simplest using and handling by trained personnel. Equipped with a USB port easily accessible system Salwico Cruise Fire Detection, allows you to quickly make changes on configuration and download reports on the status and history.
Just in the Salwico Cruise Fire Detection Built on three main levels: Power, Network and CPU fuktsii reservation. The system hardly susceptible to false alarms.
- Equipment up to 8 channels
- SMS, IAS, Telephone, Paging, Surveillance
- Connectivity to Remote Access
- Improved communication network, thanks to the Internet, fiber optics
- Communication Network
- Central processing unit
- Complies with the rules of SOLAS 2010 Regulation II- 2/21
Available for order
Thrane&Thrane SAILOR SP 3520
Thrane&Thrane, Thrane, SAILOR, SP 3520, VHF, УКВ, ГМССБ, GMDSS